Hire full-time

Remote employees

With compliance

Browse, interview, and hire vetted employees compliantly, all in the same platform. Easy to use and hassle free, Kaibero ensures your recruitment process is compliant with Employer of Record services automatically, all in one click. Get started today and start working with your new employees in as little as a day.



Explore the platform features we offer to meet your recruitment
and hiring requirements



Included in app

In-app video


Included in app

Browse vetted


Included in app

24/7 Human

Customer support

Included in app

Hire instantly with

EOR automatically

Included in app

View and manage


Included in app

Let's make things happen

Contact us today to learn more about how our platform services can help your business hire, grow and scale with
better margins.

Vetting process

See how we vett and approve our candidates. Only candidates
that pass the vetting process are displayed on Kaibero


Our process starts with shortlisting potential candidates that meet Kaibero’s platform standards. Applicants are considered after CV and information review.

Initial applicants


Candidates that meet Kaibero’s standards are scheduled to a phone interview where our in-house recruiters interview and Vett candidates for approval.

Screening interview


Candidates that pass the screening interview are approved to use the platform after setting their availability and are available for hire.

Review and approval

Service Process

From finding the right candidate
to hiring compliantly


Select candidates

Browse and filter pick candidates you want to interview, by using the browse page or posting a job for your requirements. Afterwards schedule a interview.


Schedule Interview

Schedule an interview with candidates you’d like to interview, afterwards interview them with in app video conferencing.


Send offer

After the interview and send an offer to the candidate with your requirements, you will be notified when the candidate accepts your offer, afterwards you will be prompted to pay and onboard them via EOR.



After confirming the acceptance offer and paying, the candidate will automatically be hired through one of our partner EOR’s based on the employee’s location and completing the hiring process. Upon succesful hire you will be notified, and the employee will be added to your employees tab and you may view and manage your employee.

Features candidates

Candidates with the right skills to meet your hiring

Role: Developer

Experience: 10 years
Skills: React, Tailwind Vercel, Javascript

10+ years of experience in Software development. Expertise in MEAN stack

Role: Developer

Experience: 10 years
Skills: React, Tailwind Vercel, Javascript

10+ years of experience in Software development. Expertise in MEAN stack

Role: Developer

Experience: 10 years
Skills: React, Tailwind Vercel, Javascript

10+ years of experience in Software development. Expertise in MEAN stack

Role: Developer

Experience: 10 years
Skills: React, Tailwind Vercel, Javascript

10+ years of experience in Software development. Expertise in MEAN stack

Role: Developer

Experience: 10 years
Skills: React, Tailwind Vercel, Javascript

10+ years of experience in Software development. Expertise in MEAN stack

Role: Developer

Experience: 10 years
Skills: React, Tailwind Vercel, Javascript

10+ years of experience in Software development. Expertise in MEAN stack


Hear from Our Satisfied Clients: Read Our Testimonials to Learn More about Our Service

Contact Us

Ready to discuss your
hiring needs? Schedule a discovery call

Discovery call